Mixed Media ICAD 2024
2024 marks the 14th year of the annual ICAD challenge. ICAD or Index Card A Day is the prompt challenge innovation of Tammy Garcia from Daisy Yellow Art or Gypsy 999 on Instagram. ICAD is artwork done on index cards, one a day for 61 days. Secondarily each day there is a prompt or jumping point to be used if the creator chooses to.
How is mixed media ICAD different? Well, really the only difference between the two are in the prompts. The mixed media prompts are geared more for the mixed media artist. When I did ICAD the first year in 2019 I used the 61 days to experiment. I did not follow Tammy’s prompts. I choose to go with prompts that were steeped in mixed media, and I used the 61 days to experiment and play. I learned so much during those 61 days. I learned about the media I used. I learned what techniques produced images I liked. I gained from arting daily and created an art habit along the way. I was hooked.
“arting (verb) to art
the action of doing art.”
In the months leading up to ICAD 2020 i created mixed media prompt cypher of sorts and from that I created the first year of mixed media ICAD (MMICAD) prompts. I decided to share them for anyone interested in playing along.
Because of Tammy Garcia’s ICAD inspiration I have through the years learned so much about my art, about my process and each year since I’ve made the weekly MMICAD prompts available on my Instagram and FaceBook feeds, but also have released them as FREE DOWNLOADS. You can find the 2020- 2023 prompt lists HERE.
In past years I filmed some of my MMICADs. You can find the playlists here. Come play with us. Whichever prompts you choose to use or both. If you share them on your social media feed’s, use the following hashtags: ICAD’s use #ICAD2024 for MMICAD’s use #MMICAD2024 .
ICAD starts Saturday, June 1st, 2024 . I will always publish the prompts for each week to my Instagram feed, my Facebook feed as well as on my YouTube Community page one week in advance. Below are the prompts for week one.